Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 4 reflection (5301)

First of all I was to thank all my followers for stopping by to read my blog. I appreciate all feedback and encourage you to leave a little note of some kind. A special thanks to Kelly B. who was my only commenter on week 3 thus becoming the focus of my action plan improvement.

I will post a new plan as I impliment "tweeks" here and there. The first change is too my goal (thanks Kelly). I am not completely staified with how it reads, but for now, it is " To have a sustainable, relevant technology professional development program on campus that will empower teachers of various skill-sets to integrate technology into the classroom assessments and project based learning thus enriching the student learning environment."

An addition I would like to make to the plan is to have a digital program book. The idea is to have something in place that will tell the next Tech Coord. (or someone else interested in building a similar program) how to do what I am planning to do with this program.

Input anyone?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Action Plan Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: To have a sustainable, relevant technology professional development program in place that empowered teachers of various skill–sets to integrate technology in their classroom thus enriching the student learning environment.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Survey teaching staff on tech. knowledge, skill and attitude (anon.)

C. Coburn (Tech. Coord)

Wilbert Andrews (Principal)

Curriculum Coordinator
Teacher desktops, Ipads or android tablets
Follow until results yield 95% participation via unique id
Acquire uniform technology set up for all of the classrooms on campus

C. Coburn (Tech. Coord)

Wilbert Andrews (Principal)

Curriculum Coordinator
Price quotes, Approval by school board, PO, Installation appointment & set-up
Checklist of technology by deadline:
1 Desktop, Mimeo IS & pad, printer/or scanner, Ipad, class set of tablets, projector
Organize TLC group
(Technology Leadership Committee)

C. Coburn (Tech. Coord)

Stennie Gerard (AP)
08/24/12- 09/04/12 (set-up)

Volunteers from staff  during pre-service & principal recommendation
Signed commitments to the group for the 2012-13 school year approved by principal
Facilitate pre-service training and weekly Techno Tuesday Trainings

TLC group

C. Coburn (Tech. Coord.)

Curriculum Coordinator

Stennie Gerard (AP)
08/16/12-until end of school year in June 2013
Staff surveys for input, administrative suggestions, and calendar of trainings, Training Lab, conformed schedules of outside trainer availability
Data collections via reports, pictures, videos, observations, surveys of teachers and students

(formal & informal evaluations)
Active monitoring and modeling of technology being used in the classrooms
C. Coburn (Tech. Coord.)

Campus Administrators
08/24/12 until end of school year June 2013
Podcast demonstrations, in-person trainings, surveys for need of staff and observations of students, classroom visits
Data collections via reports, pictures, videos, observations, surveys of teachers and students

(formal & informal evaluations)
Communicate to staff, student and parents the expectations of technology use, our campus & district policy and procedures
C. Coburn (Tech. Coord.)

Campus Administrators

Teachers & Staff
08/24/12 until deadline of 09/07/12 for all signed contracts
Technology Policy & Procedures, Student handbooks, technology use contract
Signed agreements from 100% of the student population agreeing to expectations and use BEFORE students and staff are allowed to use new technology

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 2 Reflection

This week we reflected on how school leaders identify areas of need in which they conduct research plans. Some of the areas which the textbook identified were staff development, curriculum development, individual teachers, individual students, school culture/community, leadership, management, school performance, and social justice or equity issues. Each area contains many different topics which can be important for action research. For example, in the area of staff development, one might research how professional development at a school with many new teachers can best aid new teachers while promoting growth in veteran staff.
Although all the catagories have high importance in an educational setting, which topic an educational leader chooses to address should align with the school's mission and vision for progress.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Introductory Post - Week 1

ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRY or ACTION RESEARCH is the process of an administrator engaging in systematic, intentional study or their own professional practice and taking action for change based on what they learn as a result of the inquiry. Action research is conducted by administrators and teachers who are “inside” a problem. 

       Action research differs from traditional educational research in which outside experts (consultants, college professors, etc.) have researched types of solutions to similar problems and your organization chooses to use the outside organizations solution to apply to the problem at hand in hopes that it will solve or improve the problem. Action research is conducted “in-house”. Data is gathered, analyzed with focus on the possible causes of the problem and possible solutions. A chosen solution is implemented, and the results are evaluated to see if further action is needed within the school to address the problem.

     The text names four contexts as being ripe for action research in educational settings: university coursework, professional learning committees, leadership teams, and superintendant/ district meetings. In this case, the class EDLD 5301 “Research” (university coursework), is the foundation of this action research project, but it will expand to a campus leadership team and possibly professional learning committees looking to implement new technology on their campuses.

     The benefits of conducting action research include increasing student performance, job satisfaction amongst staff members on every level, stakeholder ownership, participation, and personal initiative in problem solving.

HOW EDUACTORS CAN USE BLOGS: *Share material, downloads, links, news , lessons and ideas *Facilitate online discussion & collaboration  *Document or publish class activities, performances or progress for parents to view  *Integrate video, podcasts and other media